This morning as i ready a very important article on Short Sharp Science regarding the new "first dog" to be entering the white house with Obama (WOO!) i was amazed to discover that pets of the white house all have THEIR OWN GOVERNMENT WEBSITE!!!!!. Thats right! George Bush's scottish terrior 'Barney'has his own site where you can check out his latest shinanegans on the lawn.
before im too late i just want to make a prediction. Ever since stumbing across UK indie electro rockers Late of the Pier i have been a total fan and have envisioned big things for them.
So with tthe release of their debut album 'Black Fantasy Channel' i just wanted to say, that big things are headed their way, so keep an eye out.
the first time i visited thier myspace they were up to 11,000 page hits. Now they are up to 160,000. so there you go.
It's a fine saturday evening, im drinking a beer and munching on a piece of banana cake. so with nothing better to do i typed 'Banana cake' into youtube. and it came up with this surprisingly good song:
"If you could meet 5 people alive or dead, who would you meet?" One of mine would definatley be Grace Jones.
She is the epitome of late 70's/80's coolness. she ate men for breakfast, hung out with Andy Warhol, spat on gender stereotypes, and made some pretty awesome tunes.
So Kyoto has proven to be an awesome awesome place. It is quite small, but its very beautiful and exciting. We are off to Tokyo tomorrow morning for 2 nights. its gunna be crazy and full on and super exciting.
Today i basically spent recovering as i got home this moring at 8:30am. We went out to various bars and clubs in Kyoto with Sam, who has been on exchange here for the past 6 months. At 5:30 this morning as the sun was rising we went to a Karaoke. which was AMAZING. totally different from Australia, you hire a room for a certain amount of people and order drinks via phone, its a really fun and friendly. I sang woo!!
well. im in Kyoto, in a small rural outer suburb. and its awesome after a collective 18 hrs travelling yestreday and arriving finally at Kyoto Seika University we went exploring the nearest 24hr covenience store and got food at 1:30am. Went to sleep for 5 hrs and now am back up to go to managa exhibition or something. anyway. i am excited.
'bout time for an introduction: Under the guise DIABOLIK I produce instrumental hip-hop for both my own pleasue as a solo artist as well as colaborating with MC's around the globe.
not really. but, here is a taste of some of my music. 2 beats.
I was thinking of posting some info on some unappreciated and favorite albums of my mine, but due to a new release and the pure dopness of these guys i thought i would dedicate this post to: The Lotterboys .
Produced in 2006 on eskimo Recordings this album has slipped under the radar and is a very unappreciated and unknown record. Being the sexy lovechild of 2 members of Terranova and Paris the Black Fu from Detroit Grand Pubahs this albums sends shivers up the spine with its strangely alluring, slimly disco-sleaze guaranteed to leave you weak at the knees.
Now being a massive fan of these guys i was ecstatic to here they have a new album under the guise Lottergirls due to their collaboration with the very very sexy Princess Superstar. I haven't managed to get my hands on this new album yet, but from the songs i've heard, it's fucking dope!
Recently i have come across the mixing genius of Mike the 2600 King and really really rate him. This mix is quite possibly the best sets i've heard. Diverse as hell and tight as fuck. props to discobelle! enjoy.
yo. lets kick this thing off. im not exactly sure what i will be posting in the future, but my hopes are to let people know about music which gets lost behind peoples couches, or gets stuck under the fridge. that type of stuff. im probably gunna start off with some of my favorite albums, and also some albums which deserve more attention.
but for now thought i'd post the latest thing to come out of Stones Throw is Mr. JAMES PANTS
Stones Throw seem to have thrown a bit of a curve ball with this one with some electro - pop - rock -hiphop all in the one neat package