Saturday, July 12, 2008

Off to Tokyo

So Kyoto has proven to be an awesome awesome place. It is quite small, but its very beautiful and exciting.
We are off to Tokyo tomorrow morning for 2 nights. its gunna be crazy and full on and super exciting.

Today i basically spent recovering as i got home this moring at 8:30am.
We went out to various bars and clubs in Kyoto with Sam, who has been on exchange here for the past 6 months. At 5:30 this morning as the sun was rising we went to a Karaoke. which was AMAZING. totally different from Australia, you hire a room for a certain amount of people and order drinks via phone, its a really fun and friendly. I sang woo!!


1 comment:

Jeff said...

Looking forward to seeing Tokyo next (me) I am feeling envious stuck in Albury - Jeff used to do those Karaoke rooms when he worked in Japan Howz the sake? Roz